NICE Satmetrix 2015 B2C Benchmarks

More Than 44,000 Consumers on 247 Brands

See How the Competition Stacks Up

Get the lay of the competitive landscape. Our annual Net Promoter benchmark study documents consumer experiences of top brands in a range of industries.


© 2015 NICE Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Average Net Promoter Scores for US consumer sectors.

Get US and UK Insights

The 2015 NICE Satmetrix B2C NPS Benchmark reports covered 22 industries in the US, and 10 in the UK, for a total of 32 reports


Explore charts that show Net Promoter Score by participating company and display NPS trends since 2012. We also include charts identifying the factors that influence consumers’ willingness to recommend a company.

Set Smart Goals

Looking to improve your own Net Promoter scores and therefore your company performance? Use these reports to understand the broader competitive landscape and set goals that balance ambition with realism.