NICE Satmetrix 2023 B2B Benchmarks

Data of Impeccable Quality Delivers Great Insight

Understand the Competitive Landscape

Our B2B Net Promoter Benchmarks accomplish the seemingly impossible: delivering high-quality B2B NPS data at an affordable price. Get cross-regional insights and set the context for your success.

© 2020 NICE Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

Our Approach Means Better Data

NICE Satmetrix B2B NPS Benchmark reports use data collected directly from respondents worldwide, with purchasing influence for some of the world’s largest brands. Not only do we provide NPS, our reports highlight the drivers of that recommend score by ranking the customer journey touchpoints and attributes that are most highly correlated to purchases within each industry.

You can explore the data by important segmentation such as region, country, purchase influence level, customer tenure, and even respondent age. And our text analytics show you what is most important to promoters and detractors in their likelihood to recommend.

Get a Global Perspective

These reports give you important insight into how performance varies by geography. Understand these culturally-driven differences before you set unattainable goals for your business regions.
Participating companies are not revealed. We provide a summary of the average Net Promoter Scores globally, and by region, and look at scores for these segments.
The industries covered are business services, construction and engineering, healthcare, manufacturing & industrial, technology, telecommunications, utilities, and overall.


Part of NICE Satmetrix Academy & Research

NICE Satmetrix Academy & Research is your single source for the industry’s premier thought leadership on customer experience. As NICE Satmetrix Academy & Research subscriber, you’ll benefit from our B2C and B2B benchmarks online in the Research section. You’ll also have access to the Academy section, where you’ll find our Net Promoter Certification course and our Net Promoter Economics course. Learn all the skills you need to build or manage a world-class customer experience program, and earn the sought-after status of Net Promoter Certified Associate. Learn more about our certification and training.


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