Net Promoter Certification
Sets You Apart
Comprehensive Training Delivers the Expertise You Need
Certification Packs a Punch
When you want to take the guesswork out of planning or re-energizing your customer experience management program, Net Promoter® Certification has got you covered. Join the more than 5000 professionals who’ve earned the world’s only official credential for Net Promoter.
Get It in the Academy
Access Certification courses in the NICE Satmetrix Academy.
Boost that Career
Our Net Promoter certification training covers everything you need to know to run a Net Promoter program that sets the standard. Pass the exam to earn your career-boosting certification and gain the skills you need to run a Net Promoter program that gets you noticed.
Comprehensive Guidance
Complete our in-depth certification training for a solid grounding in a customer experience management measurement framework, follow-up strategy, program roadmap, and more.
You will learn to:
- Spot the market trends making customer experience more relevant than ever.
- Develop a measurement framework for the customer journey.
- Deliver actionable insights to stakeholders linked to economic benefits.
- Create closed loops that recover detractors and mobilize promoters.
- Build the foundation for change: culture, engagement, and goals.